Archive for the ‘PreDisease’ Category

Lowering Bloody Sugar – 5 Smart Ways To Keep Your Blood Sugar In Check

Sunday, August 2nd, 2009

One of the biggest mistakes people can make is not monitoring their blood sugar. If blood glucose levels get too high or low, the consequences are serious indeed, and for diabetics, can sometimes be fatal.

Even if you are not diabetic, it is still necessary to maintain a healthy, normal glucose level so that you can avoid the risk of developing diabetes. Normally, your body takes care of this regulation for you. After a meal your pancreas produces insulin to lower your blood sugar. If your blood sugar gets too low your pancreas releases glucagon which increases blood sugar levels. However, this system fails in diabetes, which is why diabetics often have to take medication to control their blood sugar. But even healthy individuals can help this system out by not allowing their blood sugar to get too high or low in the first place.

Here are 5 smart ways to keep your blood sugar in check.

Watch what you eat

Foods that are a little more difficult to digest help stabilize glucose. These foods include high fiber foods such as oatmeal, wheat, and barley. Also, vegetables such as peas and legumes, and fruits such as pears, apples and oranges are more difficult to digest.

Of course, there are foods you should avoid as well. Stay away from those high in carbohydrates such as white flour, potatoes, white rice, pasta and sweets. These foods are high in carbohydrates that your body will convert to sugar and therefore raise your glucose level. That doesn’t mean you have to avoid carbohydrates altogether.

“Good” carbohydrates such as broccoli, green leafy salads, green beans, and asparagus are encouraged. You can also have lean poultry and fish. Whole grains such as whole oats and whole wheat bread are great for helping maintain a steady glucose.

Studies have shown that adding a little cinnamon to your foods can help maintain a consistent glucose. Try sprinkling a little cinnamon on your morning oatmeal. Not only will that make it tastier, but healthier for you, too.


Exercise has been proven to lower your blood sugar levels. Not only does it help control your weight but also helps prevent a spike in insulin during the day.  Find an exercise you enjoy such as bike riding or walking.  Not only will exercising help you control your blood sugar, but every organ in your body will thank you!

Each small meals during the day

Whenever you eat your blood sugar rises up. When you go a long time without food, your blood sugar drops. The goal is to maintain a steady, consistent glucose level without any sharp rises or falls. The best way to make sure this happens is to eat several small meals during the day. This is also a great strategy for dropping unwanted pounds.

Watch over-the-counter and prescription medications

Some medications may actually raise your blood sugar. Make sure you read the list of ingredients or even better, talk to your doctor before you take them. Whenever a medication has been prescribed for you, make sure the prescribing doctor realizes you are trying to watch your glucose levels.

Take an all-natural supplement specifically designed to control blood sugar

Pre-Crea™ is an all-natural herbal supplement specifically developed for people with prediabetes or a higher than normal blood sugar levels. PreCrea™ is only available by doctor recommendation. If you take this powerful supplement two times a day, follow all of the strategies discussed above, plus your doctor’s recommendations on diet and exercise, you can substantially lower your risk of developing diabetes.

Pre-diabetes most always precedes the development of full-blown diabetes. A fasting blood sugar level between 99 — 126 mg/dl means you are in the prediabetes range. That’s why it’s so important to get a tight reign on your blood sugar levels now. Pre-Crea™ has been shown to lower blood glucose 20-30 points.

Preemptive Meds is a strong believer in treating the pre-disease state. Their supplements such as PreCrea™ are designed to attack pre-disease before more serious problems can develop. If you would like to find out more about PreCrea™ or any other of the Preemptive Meds’ natural supplements, you can find insightful information this website.

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Clinically Proven Ways to Lower Cholesterol Naturally

Saturday, August 1st, 2009

By all estimations, we are quickly reaching epidemic levels when it comes to high cholesterol levels in North America. Statistics tell us close to 50 percent of the population has a total blood cholesterol level over 200 mg/dL with 17 percent of adults over 20 having levels reaching over 240 mg/dl, a number that puts them at serious risk for heart disease and stroke.

In a healthy person, about 80 percent of your total cholesterol is naturally produced by your liver. The remaining 20 percent comes from dietary sources. Although a certain amount of cholesterol is necessary to help your body produce specific hormones, repair cells, metabolize vitamin D and create bile acids required for healthy digestion, when your cholesterol levels get too high, this fatty substance begins to accumulate in your arteries where it eventually restricts blood flow, causing heart attack and/or stroke (atherosclerosis).

While we are consistently told high cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia) is bad, the truth is most of us don’t understand the role this fatty like substance plays and the true impact it has on our health. There are essentially two types of cholesterol. Bad cholesterol, also called low density lipoprotein (LDL) is the cholesterol that circulates throughout your bloodstream accumulating in your arteries as plaque. Good cholesterol, or high density lipoprotein (HDL), attaches to these LDL molecules, returning them back to the liver where they can then be broken down and metabolized. The problem today, a result in part caused by the typical Western diet of high trans fat foods, is that most people have more LDL cholesterol than can be naturally eliminated by the liver so it begins to build up within the blood vessels and arteries. This slow narrowing and constricting of these vital passageways quickly becomes a ticking time bomb and because there are no outward warning signs for hypercholesterolemia, until it may be too late of course, the only way to know if you are at risk is to get a simple blood test.

Ideally, you want to lower your LDL cholesterol while you increase your HDL cholesterol. Research tells us our total cholesterol level should be less than 200 mg/dl. Unfortunately, most people today fall somewhere between 200-239 mg/dl (which puts them in the borderline high or “pre-disease” range) and 240 mg/dl or higher, which means they are already at serious risk for heart disease and/or stroke.

In these cases, drug therapy is commonly prescribed to lower cholesterol. In 2001 alone, patients filled over 57-million prescriptions for Lipitor. According to Consumers Reports Best Buy Drugs, as of 2006, this popular statin drug is now among eight prescription medications that make up the over 13-million prescriptions Americans fill every month in an effort to reduce their soaring cholesterol levels. In fact, the U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) recently reported the use of statin drugs increased 156 percent between 2000 and 2005. Drug manufacturers make over $20 billion a year on statin drugs, many of which are marked up over 4000 percent. And yet, despite all their claims that statin drugs lower cholesterol, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease, it is still the leading cause of death in North America. How can this be?

The answer is simple. Statin drugs are risky. While they may in fact lower cholesterol levels, they also increase the risk of liver disease, peripheral neuropathy (nerve problems), muscle deterioration and kidney failure, cancer, and ironically, heart failure. In many cases taking statin drugs may be necessary in order to quickly reduce dangerously high cholesterol levels. But they are never without risk. In fact, researchers are only beginning to understand the side effects of statins.

The good news is there are several natural ways to lower your cholesterol. Ideally, you actually want to increase your HDL cholesterol while lowering your LDL level. For men, a perfect cholesterol balance is an HDL level of 40 mg/dL or above and an LDL level below 100 mg/dl. Women should shoot for an HDL level of 50 mg/dl or higher and again, a LDL level below 100 mg/dl. Essentially, studies show the higher your HDL level, the lower your risk for heart disease.

People who have a statin intolerance or simply want to lower their cholesterol without harmful medications, often ask how can I lower my LDL cholesterol naturally? Apart from lifestyle and dietary changes, there are supplements and vitamins that can help lower bad cholesterol safely, without the often devastating side effects of stain drugs. Plant sterols also known as phytosterols, are especially effective for hypercholesterolemia. In fact, more than 50 years of research and studies show plant sterols can lower total and LDL cholesterol levels by as much as 15 percent, especially when used in combination with dietary changes. This is significant when you consider researchers estimate a 10 percent decrease in LDL cholesterol can lower the risk of heart disease by 20 percent over a lifetime. The problem with the majority of commercial phytosterol supplements however, is they are completely insoluble in water, which means they cannot be effectively absorbed by the body. It is imperative therefore, you purchase only products that use microencapsulation, a unique delivery system that allows the phytosterols to be dispersed and absorbed.
Many plants, herbs and vitamins are also clinically proven to lower cholesterol and reduce arterial inflammation, both of which reduce the risk of heart disease. For instance, studies show common plants such as coriander , fenugreek and garlic are very effective remedies when it comes to lowering cholesterol naturally. As well, less common plants like guggulu (a small thorny plant used in Ayruvedic medicine for centuries), terminalia arjuna (a South Asian ornamental tree), and a plant known as spreading hog weed each have significant healing properties useful in lowering LDL cholesterol and preventing heart disease. When used together and in the right proportions, they can be an effective alternative to Lipitor and other statin drugs.

The bottom line is you need to have your cholesterol level checked now. Treating high cholesterol early can help you avoid the need for costly drug therapy, which comes with many dangerous side effects. There are ways to lower your cholesterol naturally but you need to be proactive. Speak to your doctor and ask about clinically proven, all natural supplements designed to lower cholesterol safely.

Lower Cholesterol Naturally Without Prescription Drugs and Worrisome Side Effects

Thursday, July 30th, 2009

These days people are paying close attention to their cholesterol number. And with good reason. Heart disease is the nation’s number one cause of death. As a matter of fact, approximately 1 million people will die from heart attacks or related heart disease each year. And often people are totally unaware that they are at risk.

When Angela Griffin received the lab results for her cholesterol level, she wasn’t expecting bad news. She watched her weight and followed what she assumed to be a reasonably healthy diet. So, when she heard her doctor say that her cholesterol was above normal range, she was shocked. With a level of 226 mg/dl, her cholesterol was higher than it should be – the desired number is below 200mg/dl.

Angela’s doctor told her she had two options – she could take a popular statin drug to bring down her cholesterol level or she could lower her cholesterol naturally. Because she had heard of the possible painful side effects and dangers of statin drugs, she chose the natural route.

What exactly is cholesterol anyway?

Cholesterol is a type of fat produced by the liver. It’s also found in many of the foods we eat. This fat is essential for certain hormone production, building healthy cells, and aids in digestion of fat. Your body is extremely efficient in producing cholesterol, so you don’t have to worry too much about getting enough from the food you eat.

As a matter of fact, you should be more concerned that you’re getting too much. Too much LDL cholesterol, the “bad” cholesterol, can cause serious damage because it’s a major player in the buildup of dangerous plague that can clog your arteries.

How to lower cholesterol naturally

When you consider the alarming fact that 90% of people who have heart attacks have cholesterol levels between 200–250, the decision to take steps to lower any level within that range is certainly a smart one. However, since prescription drugs designed to control cholesterol are potentially dangerous, it’s far better to attack the problem with lifestyle changes and with a natural supplement.

Changing your lifestyle

The most obvious step to take is to monitor your diet. A diet high in soluble fiber works wonders for soaking up cholesterol before your body has a chance to absorb it. Some antioxidants help prevent plague buildup, so you want to make sure your diet includes plenty of these disease-fighting substances.

Also, you’ll want to incorporate “power” foods into your diet such as oatmeal, garlic, beans, apples, flaxseeds, and almonds.

You’ve undoubtedly aware that proper exercise is crucial to good health. Even 30 minutes of exercise a day can do wonders for your cholesterol. Bike riding or brisk walking increases arterial blood flow with diminishes the chance of plague buildup and inflammation.

Natural supplements

Because popular prescription meds are not a viable alternative for many people, for many doctors and patients natural supplements are becoming more and more the treatment of choice. But not all supplements are the same.

The best supplements are 100% natural, safe, and are based on proprietary physical combinations which get to the root cause of the problem.

Preemptive Medicine

Cholesterol supplements offered by Preemptive Meds are exactly like that. Prelipid™, their cholesterol supplement, is based on eight botanical formulas that reduce cholesterol and inflammation in the arteries.

As a matter of fact, hundreds of doctors in the US have successfully treated tens of thousands of patients – for over two years – with remarkable results. Prelipid™ cholesterol supplement has been proven to lower cholesterol levels 30 to 40 points on average.

Treating the Predisease State

The cornerstone of Preemptive Med’s philosophy is based on prevention. If intervention occurs in the predisease state, then the onset of frank disease can be prevented or significantly delayed. The doctors and professionals at Preemptive Meds believe this philosophy, aggressively treating the predisease state, is the answer to America’s healthcare crisis.

Remember Angela Griffin’s cholesterol level of 226? That number actually falls within the predisease range. By lowering her cholesterol now before it gets in the dangerously high levels, she can possibly avoid the tragic consequences of high cholesterol.

The good news is that now Prelipid™ is directly available to the public. The cost is totally affordable and actually saves up to 70% of the cost of prescription drugs. For about $9 a week, you can have the peace of mind that comes with knowing you’re doing your best to treat your cholesterol the natural way.

You can find out more about Preemptive Meds and Prelipid™ here.

When it Comes to Disease, a Little Prevention Goes a Long Way

Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

So much of our traditional medicine is focused on treating existing disease. Little, if any, thought is given to prevention, although as the number of people developing chronic illness continues to rise, some doctors are beginning to look to pre-emptive treatments. Unfortunately, however, it seems the majority of the medical profession still follows the belief that if there are no outward symptoms, there is no immediate problem.

So much of this thinking is brought on by the fact that we live in a fast-paced society where immediate gratification is not only demanded but expected. This philosophy often spills over to our attitudes about health care. If you have a headache for example, the first thing you do is reach for a bottle of Aspirin. If your stomach hurts, you take an antacid. And while these treatments may in fact work in the interim, they are simply not doing anything to actually fix the underlying problem. These quick-fix remedies are mere band aids for symptoms that are warning signs the body is unbalanced and heading for impending disease. They are nature’s signal that an intervention of some sort is required.

The latest statistics say chronic disease now accounts for 70 percent of all deaths in the United States. Close to half of all Americans currently suffer from at least one chronic disease such as heart disease, Alzheimer’s, cancer or diabetes. And most of these people actually have more than one of these debilitating illnesses. Sadly, research also says up to 90 percent of these diseases are in fact preventable. But still, the idea of prevention is a mere after thought in most people’s minds. “If I had only known I’d have diabetes, I would have done something about it”. Let’s face it, if anything even remotely close to these numbers applied to a business, you can bet the company would be doing everything it can to prevent the problem. So, why should it be any different for our health, the most valuable commodity we own?

It shouldn’t.

Never has preventative medicine been more important than it is today. Disease rates are skyrocketing. We all know someone who has been diagnosed with cancer or heart disease for example. Maybe it’s even you. These diseases affect everyone. They not only affect you physically and emotionally, but they also affect you financially. They can add thousands of dollars to your monthly expenses and for those who simply can’t afford the mounting medical bills, treatment options quickly become limited. Disease is costing Americans dearly. Our healthcare system is overwhelmed and if the numbers continued to rise as expected, it won’t be long before the system is essentially bankrupt. And if that happens, we all suffer, no matter how much money you have.

There is an easy answer to this problem. It’s time we become proactive when it comes to our health. There are no quick fixes or drugs you can take to prevent disease, but nature does provide you with everything you need to assure you keep your body in optimal health. Countless studies show plants and various herbs along with vitamins and other nutritional supplements can help your body fight off disease. And for the most part, these natural and safe preventatives are far less costly than treating full-blown disease. There are now clinically proven remedies, tested and used by thousands of doctors throughout the US that are specifically designed to treat pre-disease naturally, safely and effectively. So, don’t become a statistic, listen to your body and let nature help you remain healthy for years to come.