Magnesium- The Forgotten Mineral

by Jennifer Bunn, RN

Many people are aware of magnesium and realize that it should be included in a healthy diet, but few can identify what role magnesium plays in the body or what foods are good sources of this mineral.

Why is magnesium important?

Almost half of the body’s total magnesium comes from bone, while the other half is found mostly in the cells of various tissues and organs. Only 1% of magnesium is found in the bloodstream. The body tries to maintain the serum level of magnesium within a narrow range. Magnesium:

  • can help prevent colon cancer, especially in men
  • regulates cell growth and division
  • monitors and repairs DNA
  • is important in normal muscle and nerve function
  • supports a healthy immune system
  • assists in maintenance of normal blood pressure
  • assists in maintaining a steady rhythm of the heart
  • helps to regulate blood sugar
  • is involved in protein synthesis

Foods that are good sources of magnesium include:

  • legumes
  • seeds
  • nuts
  • unrefined grains
  • halibut
  • peanut butter
  • yogurt

Magnesium can help prevent colon cancer, arrhythmia, hypertension and diabetes, and can also help prevent postmenopausal osteoporosis. The RDA (recommended daily allowance) is 310 to 420 mg/day. Remember magnesium during March, which is colorectal cancer awareness month. Magnesium can help to prevent this disease, as well as many others.


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