Archive for the ‘Arthritis’ Category

Natural Joint Pain Relief

Monday, September 14th, 2009

When you suffer from joint pain, you never know what the day is going to bring. So many different factors determine how you’re going to feel at any given time. The weather, your gender, your age, other health issues, how much you exercise, and your daily activities all play a role in your ability to successfully manage arthritis.

To make matters worse, there are more than 100 different conditions that fall under the blanket term “arthritis,” which in turn makes it so difficult to get an accurate diagnosis in the first place. Then you have to go through the trial and error of finding a safe drug that works for you, and finally, you have to alter your lifestyle to get relief from your pain. It’s incredibly frustrating.

What exactly causes arthritis pain?

You know your arthritis causes you pain, but do you know why exactly? The simple answer is that arthritis involves the breakdown of cartilage. Cartilage has many different jobs — to protect the joints, to allow for smooth movement, and to absorb shock when pressure is placed on the joint (as in walking.) Without sufficient cartilage, the bones rub together, which causes pain, swelling and inflammation, and stiffness.

Joint inflammation occurs for a variety of reasons:

*An autoimmune disease — the body attacks itself
*A broken bone
*General wear and tear on joints
*A bacterial or viral infection

Often times, the inflammation goes away on its own after the injury has had a chance to heal, or the disease has been successfully treated. However, with some injuries and diseases, the inflammation does not go away or destruction results in long-term pain and deformity. When this happens, you have chronic arthritis.

Osteoarthritis – the most common type of arthritis

Osteoarthritis is most likely to occur as you age. The pain of osteoarthritis may be felt in any joint, but most commonly it is felt in your hips, knees or fingers.

Risk factors for osteoarthritis

Being overweight, previous injuries to the affected joint, and using the affected joint in a repetitive action that puts stress on the joint puts you at more risk for developing osteoarthritis. Arthritis can occur in men and women of all ages. About 37 million people in America have arthritis of some kind, which is almost one out of every seven people.

Symptoms of arthritis

*Joint pain
*Joint swelling
*Reduced ability to move the joint
*Redness of the skin around the joint
*Stiffness, especially in the morning
*Warmth around the joint

However, arthritis doesn’t merely affect the joints. Arthritis and arthritis pain impacts so many other areas of your body and so many aspects of your life. It’s a long-term condition that needs to be skillfully managed over time.

Get back in control of your life

Why continue to suffer from arthritis pain when there is a new 100% natural alternative available to you right now? PreArthros™ and PreArthros+ ™ are natural botanical formulations that work together to reduce inflammatory joint pain caused by arthritis. These natural substances contain plant-based components that not only relieve arthritis pain, they also serve to protect the cardiovascular system, they are easy on the stomach, and will not harm the kidneys.

Hundreds of doctors have used PreArthros™ and PreArthros +™ to treat thousands of patients for over two years. The results have been remarkable — these two supplements have been shown to lower pain and inflammation on an average of 80%.

PreArthros™ is completely affordable at only $9 per week. You can find out more about PreArthros™ and PreArthros +™ right here. There IS help for your arthritis joint pain. Take control of your life today and don’t spend another minute worrying about how you’re going to manage her pain.

Arthritis Herbal Remedy – An Alternative Solution For Arthritis Pain

Sunday, August 23rd, 2009

We’ve all witnessed the debilitating effects of arthritis. Images of gnarled swelling, deformed fingers… elderly people barely able to walk because of pain and stiffness in their joints… it’s a painful sight. Unfortunately, for most people there is no way to get around the pain and inflammation of this widespread and debilitating disease. According to the CDC, approximately 70,000,000 people will succumb to arthritis.

Arthritis is a degenerative disease and affects most people over the age of 50 in one way or another, as they grow older. Unfortunately, it is also a chronic disease and it is extremely difficult to get rid of. One stricken, many people suffer with arthritis the rest of their life.

The problem with mainstream arthritis medication

The body produces substances called cyclooxygenases (COXs) and COX -1and COX-2 are the most important. COX-1 produces Prostaglandin E-1, which causes pain and inflammation but also plays a role in protecting the stomach lining. COX-2 produces PGE2, a substance that causes pain and inflammation, but it does not have a role in protecting the stomach lining. Most non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, Advil, Aleve, etc. block both COXs. While they relieve pain and inflammation, they can cause varying degrees of gastric ulcerations, perforations or obstructions in 1/3 to almost 1/2 of patients taking them. That’s why substances that selectively inhibit COX-2 without interfering with protective act specs of Cox-1 are preferable.

The problem with prescription COX-2 drugs is that they are biochemically engineered and have been shown to cause serious cardiovascular effects including heart attacks and death. They also cause kidney failure especially in those susceptible individuals.

The good news is there are alternative solutions.

As with many diseases, adopting a healthier lifestyle based on sound nutrition can significantly lower the probability of developing arthritis.

•    Many common foods are actually natural arthritis remedies. They include black strap molasses, spices such as cayenne pepper and turmeric, apple cider vinegar, and pineapple to name a few.

•   Vitamins and minerals such as manganese, calcium, copper, magnesium, glucosamine, MSM as well as linseed oil and Echinacea are also effective natural arthritis remedies.

•    Simply enough plain water is also a natural arthritis remedy. That’s because it lubricates the joints, which allows ease of movement and less stiffness.

•    As difficult as it may be, simple exercise such as walking and especially swimming can help remedy arthritis symptoms.

•    There are also herbal remedies that have proven useful in treating the symptoms of arthritis. They include devils claw root, feverfew, and ginger. They all have anti-inflammatory properties and help achieve reduction in pain and swelling.

But perhaps the easiest and most effective way to treat arthritis symptoms is with a natural, plant-based supplement.

PreArthros™ and PreArthros+™ – powerful natural supplements to treat arthritis

PreArthros™ and PreArthros+™ is a 100% safe and natural plant based COX-2 inhibitor. It selectively inhibits COX-2 while preserving the stomach-lining protective function of COX-1.  PreArthos also has cardiac and gastrointestinal protective properties.  The natural ingredients found in PreArthos have no reported negative effects on the kidneys.  That’s why PreArthos and PreArthos+ are the perfect solution for effective and safe relief of inflammatory pain and for enhancing the use of joints.

The cost is completely affordable.  At $9 per week, you’ll safe up to 70% of the cost of most prescription drugs.

If you’re currently suffering with arthritis, chances are you want to take the best possible measure to alleviate the pain and inflammation.  You can find extremely valuable information about PreArthos right here.

Supplements For Fibromyalgia – 5 Things You Should Know Before You Choose Traditional Treatment Instead

Thursday, August 20th, 2009

Have you been searching for a “magic pill” for your pain?

Many suffering from fibromyalgia believe there is simply no real relief. If that sounds like you, you’ll be excited to know there IS help available. The best part of all is that it has absolutely nothing to do with relying on potentially dangerous medications to take care of your agonizing symptoms.

Fibromyalgia is actually an arthritis related illness. Even though it doesn’t cause the same type of problems as arthritis — joint inflammation, tissue damage, inflamed muscles — like arthritis, it does cause substantial pain and fatigue and can be extremely debilitating, as you’re undoubtedly aware.

And even though today doctors understand fibromyalgia much better than they once did, they still typically rely on many different kinds of medications to treat the symptoms. These medications include anticonvulsants, antidepressants, pain relievers, and sleep aids. Why is this a problem? All of these have potentially harmful side effects.


Anticonvulsants typically used to treat seizures also help with pain management. However the FDA reviewed 11 anti-seizure medications and found those taking these drugs had almost twice the risk of suicide or suicidal thoughts.


Antidepressants such as serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors are sometimes prescribed to alleviate fibromyalgia pain. Tricyclic antidepressants as well as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are also prescribed. This may sound like a good thing because often depression is part of the problem of having fibromyalgia. You would think that taking antidepressants would lead to better sleep, less fatigue, and a general feeling of well-being.

That may be true in some cases; however, some depressants are known to actually increase depression and fatigue. Even worse they may lead to aggressive or even psychotic behavior – not to mention those taking depressants actually run the risk of suicide.

Pain relievers

A pain reliever may seem to be the obvious choice for dealing with fibromyalgia. However, prescription pain medication is often addictive and also carries the possibility of many other side effects such as heart palpitations, digestive problems, muscle weakness, hallucinations, and urinary problems.

Sleep aids

Lack of sleep is a big problem for people suffering from fibromyalgia. Aside from the obvious fatigue, without proper sleep the body can’t heal or rest from daily activity. For that reason sleep medication is often prescribed. The problem is some people become physically or emotionally addicted to sleep aids. Even more, dependence on sleep aids may thwart the body’s ability to produce certain chemicals that naturally aid in pain relief and mood stability.

Change in lifestyle

Of all the traditional approaches to treating fibromyalgia perhaps this one makes the best sense. Exercise is known to be a natural antidote for pain and is also a mood enhancer. Practicing yoga or relaxing techniques help as well. Of course, lifestyle changes will not completely alleviate the pain you may be in but at least you won’t have to worry about the harmful side effects of drugs.

With all the possible negative side effects of all these medications, why take the risk? Especially when there is a totally effective and SAFE alternative.

Natural supplements for fibromyalgia

PreArthos™ and PreArthos+™ are natural botanical formulations that work collectively to reduce inflammatory pain. Not only that, they also contain plant-based substances which serve to protect the cardiovascular system. These natural substances are easy on the stomach and won’t harm the kidneys at all.

PreArthos™ and PreArthos+™ has been used successfully by hundreds of doctors in treating thousands of patients for over two years. And with fantastic results. These two supplements have been shown to lower pain and inflammation on an average of 80%.

PreArthos™ is completely affordable at only $9 per week. You can find out more about PreArthos™ and PreArthos+™ right here. There IS help for your fibromyalgia. Don’t spend another day worrying about how you’re going to manage your pain.

The True Cost of Chronic Disease

Thursday, August 13th, 2009

Right now, chronic disease accounts for 7 of the 10 leading causes of death in the United States and affects the quality of life of over 130 million Americans each year. As well, 75 cents of every dollar spent on health care in the US in 2006 was on people with one or more chronic illnesses. That translates to $1.58 trillion of taxpayer’s hard-earned money. And while these numbers are indeed alarming, what is more astounding is that up to 90 percent of chronic diseases are actually preventable.

Many chronic diseases are caused by a simple lack of proper nutrition. Sadly, 3 out of every 4 Americans are now overweight, with 33 percent considered obese. Given these numbers researchers also predict 1 in 3 children born in 2000 will develop diabetes (33 percent of all boys and 39 percent of girls). Add to this a general lack of regular exercise and other poor lifestyle choices we make on a daily basis and it’s not surprising the US ranks only 24th on the list of the world’s healthiest countries. In fact, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), the average life expectancy of a US male born in 1999 is only 67.5 years. Females rank only slightly better, averaging 72.6 years.

This rise in chronic disease accounts for close to 75 percent of the overall increase in health care spending in the last two decades. And statistics show the majority of current spending goes to treat people with one or more chronic conditions. Presently, 96 cents of every Medicare dollar is spent on people with chronic illnesses. As well, 83 percent of every Medicaid dollar goes to treat people with chronic illnesses. As bad as these numbers are, they only begin to touch on the indirect cost chronic disease has on our economy.
Millions of work days are missed every year due to illnesses, which ultimately affects our ability to effectively compete in the global market. According to a 2007 study, chronic diseases such as cancers, diabetes, heart disease and stroke, indirectly cost businesses and the economy, through things like absenteeism, lost productivity and substandard work efforts, a whopping $1 trillion a year.

Chronic illnesses account for 99 percent of all doctor’s visits, 92 percent of all in-patient hospital visits and 79 percent of all home health care visits. As well, 82 percent of all prescriptions are written for chronic illnesses.

If we continue along the same path, this scenario is only expected to get worse. By 2023, researchers predict chronic disease to rise by 42 percent, affecting over 230 people throughout the US. Cancer rates are expected to soar 62 percent; diabetes is predicted to rise 53 percent and cases of heart disease are expected to increase another 41 percent. And by the year 2015 (a mere 6 years from now) an unbelievable 75 percent of all Americans are expected to be obese, a huge risk factor for chronic disease. When all is said and done, researchers predict if nothing is done to halt this trend now, chronic disease will ultimately cost the U.S. economy over $4.1 trillion a year by 2035.

The irony of the situation is that we already know the majority of chronic diseases are indeed preventable. We don’t have to sit back helplessly and watch as our family and friends fall prey to things like diabetes and heart disease. We can take steps now to assure our health. Prevention has never been more important than it is right now.

Nutrition is probably one of the most important factors in whether you will eventually succumb to chronic illness. Proper diet and nutritional support through clinically proven vitamins and supplements are key factors. Studies repeatedly show that simply making these nutritional changes alone can significantly decrease your risk of chronic illness. In fact, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates diabetes rates can be cut by as much as 80 percent when dietary changes and other simple behavioural changes are made. Heart disease rates could drop another 80 percent while cancer rates could drop by as much as 40 percent.

Right now, thousands of doctors across the US are using clinically proven nutritional supplements as an effective preventative measure against chronic illness such as diabetes, heart disease and arthritis. As studies show, when it comes to chronic disease, the best intervention is prevention and considering the grim outlook for today’s Americans, there is no better time than now to assure you remain healthy long into the future.

How To Choose Cost Effective Supplements

Monday, August 10th, 2009

There is no doubt natural supplements, vitamins and herbs are less expensive than prescription medications, but even these more natural alternatives can quickly become expensive when you start taking more than one at one time.

One of the reasons people turn to natural medicine is because of its holistic approach to health and wellness. Natural medicine looks to treat the whole body and not simply the symptoms of a specific disease. Proponents of natural health believe the body will naturally seek to restore internal balance, healing itself when faced with illness or disease, a state known as homeostasis. Natural remedies are therefore used more as a means to support this process than an actual cure for symptoms that result from a diseased state. Each remedy serves a specific purpose whether it be to boost immunity or to support the organs for example, so it is common when someone is facing an illness that they are prescribed more than one remedy. The problem however, is that while each of these remedies may in fact be useful and even highly effective, when you must take them each 2-3 times a day, it can become not only overwhelming, but also expensive. It is at this point, that many people simply opt to go back to a medication that is geared to relieving symptoms. Despite the risk and the inevitable side effects most medications come with, they are usually easier to deal with than having to remember to take numerous supplements several times a day.

For those who don’t give up and continue to look to the natural approach, some will opt for combination supplements. These products offer remedies that contain numerous ingredients geared to treating a much broader range of issues. While in theory, these supplements may be easier to take simply because you no longer need to take an array of different pills to achieve the same result, the problem then becomes the efficacy of the product itself.

Clinical studies are typically done to determine not only the actual effectiveness of an herb for example, but also the most effective dosage. The therapeutic properties of each herb will be examined, and the specific medicinal chemicals analyzed to determine the safest manner in which to take (or not take as the case may be) the remedy. So, when you buy a product, hopefully it contains the exact ratio of therapeutic ingredients so the remedy works as it should. While you would think this would be the case of all natural supplements, the truth is, it is still a very unregulated industry so in many cases, there are no real laws that state a product must contain the ideal ratio of medicinal ingredients. This is especially true in the case of “all in one” remedies.

When herbs are combined, they can either help or hinder each other. While each herb may have specific therapeutic properties, when they are combined with other herbs, these same chemical properties can be enhanced or in some cases, cause adverse reactions. It becomes even more important therefore in cases of combined remedies, that the herbs used have not only been tested individually, but that they have also been tested together. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, which is why you will often hear about products that have been suddenly pulled from the shelves because people have had severe reactions.

There is no question the most cost effective way to take natural supplements is in these combined formulas. Taking this type of remedy can significantly reduce the overall cost of treatment. The trick however, is to find a product that has also been clinically tested to work synergistically within the body. Each herb and or nutrient must be tested to determine its effectiveness and safety when used in that specific formula. So, before you purchase a combination product, do a little research yourself to see if the company has also done their research. In the end, it can save you money and ultimately make the difference in whether or not the product will be effective.

For more information about clinically tested and proven all natural supplements, visit:

Recognize and Treat the Early Signs of Arthritis Naturall

Wednesday, August 5th, 2009

At one time or another, we have all experienced some form of joint and or muscle pain. Imagine now, feeling that same pain every day for the rest of your life. Well, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 69.9 million Americans do. In fact 1 in every 3 people is now diagnosed with arthritis. It is further estimated that by 2030, this number will rise by another 40 percent with 25 percent of the population being so afflicted with the disease, they will be forced to limit their regular daily activities.[1]

Arthritis is the general name for over 100 different diseases that affect the joints, the surrounding tissues and other connective tissues. The three most common forms of the disease are osteoarthritis (OA), rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and fibromyalgia. People suffering from OA and RA typically show signs of degeneration in the joints of the hands, knee, foot, wrist, hip and/or spine. As well, as of 2005, an estimated 5 million people were diagnosed with fibromyalgia, a disease that is still not well understood.[2] People who suffer from this very debilitating condition also tend to exhibit symptoms such as insomnia, headaches, morning stiffness and problems focusing and remembering, often referred to as “fibro fog.”

Other types of arthritis include such things as gout, lupus, bursitis/tendonitis and even Lyme disease. Right now, arthritis is the most widespread cause of disability among Americans over 15. According to the CDC, almost 41 percent of people diagnosed with arthritis also report limited ability to participate in normal activities such as walking, climbing stairs and bending or kneeling.[3] Further, over 30 percent also have limited work ability.[4] Studies show people with arthritis have over 50 percent more sick days than otherwise healthy people and 33 percent more days in which they experience limited ability to function both at home and in the workplace.[5]

Almost 50 percent of all cases of arthritis are in people under the age of 65, 70 percent of which tend to be women.[6] Sadly, an estimated 294,000 children under 18 also currently suffer from some form of arthritis.[7] This puts considerable strain on not only these individuals but also caregivers, employers and ultimately, the economy. In 2003 alone, arthritis cost the US economy over $128 billion, a jump of almost 33 percent since 1997 and a number that is only expected to rise over the next few decades.[8]

Fortunately, arthritis does not simply appear without warning. People who eventually develop diagnosable arthritis have likely shown symptoms such as fatigue, unexplained weight loss, persistent pain, swelling, stiffness and difficulty moving one or more of their joints for some time. Often in the early stages, these symptoms can come and go so people tend to dismiss cautionary signs once they subside, which is unfortunate because this is the time when preventive care is most critical. Once arthritis sets in, there is no cure for the disease. Symptoms such as inflammation and pain can be treated with medications but the majority of these drugs also cause side effects including kidney disease, heart attack and even death.

Fortunately, there are many natural treatments, vitamins and supplements for arthritis that offer many of the same healing properties of medications, without the damaging side effects.

Rosemary, for instance, is well known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which is why it is often used in natural arthritis remedies. Tumeric is another clinically proven natural remedy for such things as osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia as it is shown to work directly on the neurotransmitters that cause pain.[9] Tumeric is further shown to lower histamine levels, which can prevent the overproduction of COX-2, an enzyme responsible for inflammation and pain.[10] Other studies show ginger is also an effective natural remedy for fibromyalgia since it can help reduce the inflammation that causes pain.

Other less recognizable herbs such as eriobotrya japonica are also proven to be a natural herbal remedy for rheumatoid arthritis.[11] Polygonum cuspidatum, or Hu Zhang, is an excellent anti-inflammatory, shown in some studies to be more effective than several medications.

Further beneficial supplements for arthritis include Chinese goldthread, oregano, skullcap and green tea. Clinical studies demonstrate that when combined in the correct proportions, all of these natural herbal remedies can effectively treat and help prevent the onset of arthritis. The key however, is to recognize the warning signs of the disease and act quickly. Ignoring symptoms such as pain, swelling and joint stiffness can ultimately lead to serious chronic disease.

[1] Centre of Disease Control and Prevention, USA(2006)

[2] Arthritis Rheum 2008;58(1):26–35.

[3] MMWR 2006;55(40):1089-1092.

[4] MMWR 2005;54(5):119–123.

[5] J Rheumatology 2003;30(1):160–6.

[6] MMWR 2006;55(40):1089-1092

[7] Arthritis Care Res 2007;57:1439-1445

[8] MMWR 2007;56(01):4-7.

[9] J Ethnopharmacol. 1991 May-Jun;33(1-2):91-5.

[10] Deodhar SD, Sethi R, Srimal RC. Preliminary studies on antirheumatic activity of curcumin (diferuloyl methane). Ind J Med Res 1980;71:632-4.

[11] Mix, K. S., Mengshol, J. A., Benbow, U., Vincenti, M. P., Sporn, M. B. and Brinckerhoff, C. E. 200. A synthetic triterpenoid selectively inhibits the induction of matrix metalloproteinases 1 and 13 by inflammatory cytokines. Arthritis Rheum. 44: 1096-1104.

Integrating Medicine for Optimal Health

Tuesday, August 4th, 2009

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), chronic disease now accounts for 70 percent of all deaths in the United States. In fact, statistics show as many as 133 million, or an astounding 45 percent of all Americans, currently suffer from at least one chronic disease such as heart disease, Alzheimer’s, cancer or diabetes, with 53 percent of those suffering from two or more these illnesses. While these statistics are staggering, what is even more alarming is that we now know up to 90 percent of these illnesses are actually preventable.

The question then is why, if the majority of these diseases are indeed preventable, are so many people still developing chronic illnesses? The answer is simply that traditional medicine alone has no way of treating something that has not yet happened. Traditional or conventional medicine as it is often termed is based on removing and treating symptoms. If there are no real and treatable symptoms, modern medicine is at a loss. There are no drugs or surgical remedies for something like pre-diabetes for example. When a patient comes to their doctor with a general complaint of “just not feeling well”, without a specific diagnosis, in all likelihood and based on their training, the doctor will either order a whole battery of often unnecessary and costly tests in order to identify a disease that can then be treated, or simply tell the patient to go home and come back in a few weeks if things don’t improve. The bottom line is that modern medicine is not equipped to deal with a patient who is in a “pre-disease” state (somewhere between optimal health and diseased) and it isn’t until they have actually reached a diseased state, when they are beyond the prevention stage, that they are finally treated.

For this and many other reasons, people are now turning to alternative or complimentary medicine. Practitioners such as naturopaths, chiropractors and herbalists for example can suggest a variety of holistic and less invasive approaches to treat illness. And while many people will find improved health with these natural approaches, there are still those who aren’t 100 percent comfortable with the lack of clinical evidence many of these approaches provide. Fortunately, a third option now exists.

Integrative medicine, an incorporation of both traditional and alternative medicines, offers all the benefits of a more natural approach that so many Americans are now turning to, backed up by substantiated evidence based on clinical trials and ongoing research. In essence, it provides people with the best of both worlds.

Like alternative approaches to healthcare, integrative medicine promotes prevention and healing of the whole individual. Conventional medicine on the other hand, typically seeks to treat specific symptoms. As well, integrative medicine looks more to the body itself as a mechanism for healing whereas conventional medicine tends to look outside the body at such things as medications and surgery as a way to heal the individual. Interestingly, the key tenet of integrative medicine stems from the beliefs of such ancient healers as Hippocrates, known today as the Father of Medicine. As a medical visionary, Hippocrates and other physicians of his time, taught that given the proper tools (things like optimal nutrition and exercise), the human body has the innate ability to heal and balance itself. Integrative medicine promotes this natural equilibrium known as homoeostasis and strives to support the body in the best way possible so it can use its own resources to induce healing.

One of the key resources in integrative medicine is the use of standardized nutritional supplements. While the body is indeed designed to heal itself, when it is in a weakened and unbalanced state, natural plant-based formulations are often the best way to enhance the body’s ability to restore balance. These formulations are also effective when used in concert with prescription medications in cases of progressive disease. Integrative medicine further promotes supplementation as a preventative. Simply living in today’s fast-paced world with its various stresses, pollutants and toxins can eventually drain the body’s immune system. Scientific evidence has shown various plants contain healing compounds that help reduce such things as inflammation and oxidative damage, both of which lead to many chronic illnesses. And while they are also shown in many cases to significantly bolster the immune system, many people make the mistake of waiting until they feel fatigued or sick before they turn to supplements. The truth is, by the time your body shows symptoms of illness, it is already overwhelmed.  If you continue to ignore these often minor warning signs, as most of us do, they eventually result in chronic disease.

The best way to assure your health in the future is to become proactive now. This often entails making lifestyle changes and includes such things as drinking plenty of water, getting regular exercise and sleep, eating properly and when necessary, taking clinically based and standardized nutritional formulations before symptoms become critical.